- 女は髪は長いが脳は短い・・・Women have long hair and short brains.
- ロバが梯子に登る時が来れば女にも知恵が見られるだろう・・・When an ass climbs a ladder, we may find wisdom in women.
- 女の助言は大したことはないが、それを聞かないものも馬鹿だ・・・A woman’s advice is no great thing, but he who won’t take it is a fool.
- 女の舌は最後に死ぬ・・・A woman’s tongue is the last thing about her that dies.
- 女の舌は一枚で十分・・・One tongue is enough for a woman.
- 女三人と三匹のカエルで市ができる・・・Three women and three frogs make a market.
- 女の口が秘密を守るより、ザルの方が水をよく保つ・・・A woman conceals what she knows not.
- 女が秘密を保てることは知らないことだけ・・・A woman conceals what she knows not.
- 三つのものが男を家から追い出す-煙と雨漏りとガミガミ女房・・・Three things drive a man out of his house – smoke, rain, and a scolding wife.
- めんどりがおんどりより鳴き声が高いのは嘆かわしい家・・・It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.
- 女心と冬の風はよく変わる・・・A woman’s mind and a winter wind change oft.
- 女に何かを禁止してみろ、必ずそれをするから・・・Forbid a thing, and that women will do.
- 明け方の雨と女の涙はすぐに止む・・・Early rain and a woman’s tears are soon over.
- 欺く、泣く、紡ぐは女の性(さが)・・・Women naturally deceives, weep and spin.
- 女は教会では聖女、街頭では天使、家庭では悪魔・・・Women are saints in church, angels in the street, and devils at home.
- 女はサタンの罠・・・Women are the snares of Satan.
- 女の悪魔ほどひどい悪魔はいない・・・There is no devil so bad as a she-devil.
- 悪事にかけて女は男より賢い・・・Women in mischief are wiser than men.
- 女と犬とクルミの木は、叩けば叩くほどよくなる・・・A woman, a dog, and a walnut-tree, the more you beat them the better they be.
- 男-女-悪魔と並べると、比較の三段階変化ができる・・・Man, woman, and devil, are the three degrees of comparison.
- 男の歳は気持ちで決まり、女の歳は見た目で決まる・・・A man is as old as he feels, and a woman as old as she looks.
- 藁で出来た男でも黄金で出来た女に匹敵する・・・A man of straw is worth a woman of gold.