Fearless Soul Teacher Makes Shocking Error But Gives Priceless Response



成功する人 / 失敗する人の16の違い

1. 変化を楽しむ / 変化を恐れる
2. 人の成功を望む / 人の失敗を願う
3. 喜びを表す / 怒りをまき散らす
4. 失敗した責任を認める / 失敗を人のせいにする
5. 自分のアイデアを話す / 人のアイデアや功績を自分のことのように話す
6.データや情報を共有する / データや情報を隠す
7. 成功したのはみんなのおかげ / 成功は全て自分の功績
8. 目標とそれを達成するプランを決めている / 目標を決めない
9. 自分の行動を記録する / 人には記録しろと言うが自分は記録しない
10. 毎日本を読む / 毎日テレビを見る
11. 様々な視点に立って動く / 狭い視野でしか動けない
12. 常に学んでいる / 新しい方法を学ぼうとしない
13. 人をほめる / 人を批判する
14. 人を許すことができる / 人を妬み、恨む
15. やりたいことを常に持ち続けている / 何をやりたいのかがわからない
16.常に感謝の心を持っている / 感謝の心を持たない


Teacher Makes SHOCKING ERROR But His Response is PRICELESS

Teacher Makes SHOCKING ERROR But His Response is PRICELESS






Fearless Soul

Teacher Makes Shocking Error But Gives Priceless Response
The Good one. I wrote the last equation wrong on purpose because I want you to learn something important. Now, you all witnessed I wrote the correct equation nine times but nobody congratulated me on that, did you? But as soon as I made a mistake, you laughed and criticized me. Why do you think that is? Maybe it’s because you’re supposed to be smarter than us. Yeah, and it’s funny. I may be in a position of authority. But it doesn’t make me perfect or smarter than you. I’m a teacher but I’m also a human being who makes mistakes. The point of this exercise today is to teach a very important lesson. You will soon discover the world is quick to criticize and find fault and much slower to praise and find the positive. You’ll all experience criticism many times in your life. Those who are lucky enough to succeed or become quote unquote successful likely experience more criticism than the rest because you’re far the one thing people love more than pointing out another’s mistakes is when they can do it to someone who’s achieved more than them. However, the person who criticizes others is only revealing the lack within themselves. Those who are happy within themselves need not point out the faults in others. So the three things I want you to remember from today’s little exercise. Is first, try to notice the good in others. If someone makes a mistake, try to let them know in a kind way. Praise more than you blame. The second is when, not if, but when you’re criticized. Remember the good in you. Remember your qualities. Remember you’re worthy and capable of great things. And finally remember criticism is something that you can avoid easily. By saying nothing. Doing nothing and being nothing. So dream big. Get out there. Live your life. See how far you can push the limits. Don’t fear criticism. But know when it comes it’s the result of your success not your failures.

Be the person who encourages others, who chooses to see the good in the world and speak it out loud.
Be frequent in your praise and thoughtful in your criticism.

This video was inspired by a famous story circulating social media about Albert Einstein:
“One day Albert Einstein wrote on the blackboard:
9 x 1 = 9
9 x 2 = 18
9 x 3 = 27
9 x 4 = 36
9 x 5 = 45
9 x 6 = 54
9 x 7 = 63
9 x 8 = 72
9 x 9 = 81
9×10 = 91


Suddenly chaos erupted in the classroom because Einstein made a mistake. Obviously, the correct answer to 9 x 10 isn’t 91. And all his students ridiculed him.

Einstein waited for everyone to be silent and said: ‘Despite the fact that I analyzed nine problems correctly, no one congratulated me. But when I made one mistake, everyone started laughing. This means that even if a person is successful, society will notice his slightest mistake. So don’t let criticism destroy your dreams. The only person who never makes a mistake is someone who does nothing “.

Directed and Produced by Chiara Gizzi https://www.instagram.com/chiara_gizzi/
Filmed and Edited by Gareth Carr

Scott Toohey
Anthony Darvall
Stella Morrison
Emily Whalen
Allyssa Perez
Benjamin Kanu

© Fearless Soul, for terms of use, of any of our audio or visual productions, please email us at: team@iamfearlesssoul.com

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人頭の悪い人 / 頭の良い