2021-03-01 ミネルヴィニ「SPYをショート」

from:markminervini short

I’m shorting the SPY here with a stop at all-time highs. Low risk trade. If I’m wrong I lose 1.5%.


午前4:15 · 2020年10月17日

市場が心配の壁を登れば…その登りは続くはずで、米国の歴史上、実質的にどの時期よりも心配すべきことは多い。 それどころか、センチメントは強気の読みであり、プットの量は少ない。
If the market climbs a wall of worry… the climb should continue; there’s more to worry about than virtually any other time in U.S. history. To the contrary, sentiment readings are bullish and put volume is low.

午前4:21 · 2020年10月17日

Since I reentered stocks on April 6, we added more names to our buy list than we have in a long time. Subsequently, trading was very profitable for a number of months. Then I went short $QQQ on 9/2. Since the end of September, our buy list has once again swelled significantly.

午前4:28 · 2020年10月17日

FANMAG stocks are building bases. The question is: can they move up and out and enjoy another up leg? Conversely, if they experience outright technical base failures, it would be an ominous sign for market leadership.

午前5:08 · 2020年10月17日

ナスダックはハンドル付きの巨大なカップを作りたいようだ 🙂
Seems Nasdaq wants to build a huge cup with handle 🙂